Discovering The Psychological Impact of Music

Women using music therapy

Discovering The Psychological Impact of Music

Music is a treasured and important part of the lives of millions of people around the world. No matter how different the culture, music plays many of the same roles. Worship, relaxation, celebration, and advertising are just a few of the common themes in how music is used. It has been shown to help melt away worry, inspire our minds, and even energize our bodies. Amazingly, music has even been shown to make managing pain easier. Perhaps it shouldn’t be surprising, then, to discover that it also has a role in managing mental health concerns. Properly used, music can influence our perceptions, alter our behavior, and even help us manage our emotions better.

Discovering The Psychological Impact of Music

The effect of musical scores on the human mind and body has been the subject of ongoing research. It’s indisputable that it has a powerful and varying effect on people of every walk of life. Recently studies have revealed that music’s ability to ease stress, promote emotional health, and boost our well-being is more than just perception. It has also been demonstrated that an individual’s preferences in music can serve as a doorway to understanding their personality. Other effects music has been shown to have by these studies include:

  • Improved Cognitive Performance – Music has often been used when trying to concentrate on a task, but does it really help? These studies have demonstrated that music can enhance our ability to process information by boosting our cognitive function. Older adults, in particular, can benefit from using music to stimulate their minds. Upbeat music enhances our ability to process information, while all forms of music aid memory.
  • Stress Reduction – Using music to ease emotional distress or to relieve the weight of a hard day is a time-honored practice. It turns out that science backs the ability of music to help soothe the mind, aid meditation, and induce relaxation.
  • Reduce Overeating – One surprising effect that music has been revealed to have is reducing overeating. Obesity is a problem of much importance in the United States and many other countries, and music may be able to help. While the reasons behind it are still being explored, initial data suggests that dimmed lighting and soothing music relax us. This relaxation makes us eat slower, allowing us to register fullness after eating less.
  • Memory Enhancement – Almost everyone has used music to help make the grind of studying a little easier to bear. What they may not know is that it also helps the information they’re studying stick. The ability of music to enhance memory combined with the relaxation and energizing effect it has may be behind it.

There’s a significant amount of studying into the effects of music that is still happening. The more we learn about music the more we discover it can do for us, and tell us about ourselves. Among the interesting discoveries is that not everyone will benefit from the same music. Our tastes in music matter, but so does our comprehension of music theory. While those without a musical background can benefit from any music they enjoy, music theorists are more restricted. Rather than helping them focus, music with complex compositions can distract them as they analyze the way it’s put together. Music that is simple and neutral works better for these individuals when studying.

Discover How Music Can Enhance Your Mental Function

There’s an amazing journey ahead for those seeking to learn the power music holds. Consulting with your mental health professional can provide meaningful insight. It can also guide you to new ways of using music to help you with the struggles that you face.

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April is the founder of Prestige Mental Health and is a board certified psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner (PMHNP-BC) who is qualified to practice primary care and psychiatry. She is passionate about providing quality, compassionate, and comprehensive mental health services to children, adolescents, and adults. April specializes in psychiatric illnesses including but not limited to depression, anxiety, ADD/ADHD, PTSD/trauma, bipolar, and schizophrenia.